Teachers Association of Baltimore County
TABCO is an organization of teachers representing all “teachers” in Baltimore County Public Schools. TABCO represents over 9,000 individuals. Teachers defined under the contract include the following:
Counselors, Deans, Facilitators, Home & Hospital, Librarians & Media Specialists, Consulting Teachers, Nurses, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Psychologists, ROTC Instructors, Social Workers, Speech/Language Pathologists, Teachers (Regular & Special Education)
Governed by the Members
Teacher members elect the Officers, Board of Directors, and Association Representatives from their own ranks.
Maryland State Education Association
MSEA members are teachers, education support professionals, administrators, certificated specialists, higher education faculty, and student and retired memberswhose mission is to create great public schools for every child in Maryland. MSEA works to empower members to make a positive difference in their professional lives in order to elevate the quality of public education for all students.
All about getting Maryland’s educators and public schools the tools and support they need to help every student succeed, whether it’s through lobbying in Annapolis for school funding and a secure retirement, bargaining decent salaries, fair, transparent evaluations, and better working conditions at the local negotiating table, providing legal aid and expert assistance whenever needed, or ensuring access to meaningful professional development and training.
The Sierra Club
The Sierra Club is a national environmental advocacy organization with more than 60 chapters, including at least one for every state in the US. The Maryland Chapter of the Sierra Club focuses on protecting the state's natural and wildlife resources, monitoring legislation, sponsoring outings, and educating the public about pressing environmental issues. The Chapter is also responsible for the Groups that operate on the local level throughout the state.
League of Conservation Voters
Maryland League of Conservation Voters makes endorsements based on strong voting records and the confidence in a candidate’s future as a leader in strong environmental legislation.
During elections Maryland League of Conservation Voters make endorsements, run strategic campaigns aimed at electing pro-conservation candidates, mobilize volunteers, educate voters, and elevate environmental issues. In 2010, 88% of Maryland LCV-endorsed candidate won.
mddcaflcio is one of nearly 500 state and local labor councils of the AFL-CIO and are the heart of the labor movement. We are democratically elected bodies dedicated to represent the interests of working people at the state and local level. We mobilize our members and community partners to advocate for social and economic justice and we strive daily to vanquish oppression and make our communities better for all people—regardless of race, color, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, or ethnic or national origin.
The Service Employees International Union
The Service Employees International Union is dedicated to improving the lives of workers and their families and creating a
more just and humane society. They endorse canddiates who are just as dedicated.
SEIU Local 500 represents over 20,000 educators, caregivers and advocates across Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia.
Maryland State Delegate for District 10 & Deputy Majority Whip, United States, Democrat
Baltimore County Resources:
Department of Social Services: 410-853-3000
Department of Aging: 410-887-2594
Department of Health: 410-887-3740
Animal Control: 410-887-5961
Baltimore County Executive: 410-887-2450
Baltimore County Council: 410-887-3196
Maryland Resources:
Maryland General Assembly: 410-841-3000
Governor’s Office: 410-974-3901
Lt. Governor’s Office: 410-974-2804
Governor’s and Lt. Governor’s TDD for the Hearing Impaired: 410-333-3098
Consumer Protection Division, Office of the Attorney General: 410-528-8662